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PSG History

PSG was founded by Brian White and Greg White in 2003 to provide specialized professional services in the private and public sectors. PSG continues to methodically build on its foundation of providing "better service from better people." PSG has found that hiring only highly-qualified people who truly love what they do leads to an enhanced level of service and client satisfaction.

Additional information about PSG is available from our firm profile and overview of contracting information.

Management Team

Brian White, currently serving as Chairman & CFO, has a wide range of experience in corporate finance and accounting. This, coupled with his B.B.A. in Finance from Georgia State University, provides a focused and well-rounded knowledge of PSG's and our clients' business environments. His "real world" experience translated well into a classroom environment where Brian taught as an adjunct professor and business education instructor. He is well-versed in the federal contracting and budgeting processes, as well as Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFAR). His overall experience includes all aspects of business management including finance and accounting, human resources, marketing and sales, administration and executive leadership.

Greg White, currently serving as President & CEO, has a broad background in business management, building design and construction, and sales and account management. His experience, combined with his B.S. in Building Construction from the Georgia Institute of Technology, enables him to solve tough immediate problems for clients while still keeping them on track to meet their long-term objectives. Having started his career as a cost estimator, Greg takes a hands-on approach with clients to ensure their needs are defined early and always met. He is responsible for driving and further strengthening PSG's client-centric corporate culture.

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