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Services | Project Control

Preparing… appropriately.
Predicting… potential problems. Preventing… spiraling losses.
Providing…accurate and useful information. Promising… results.

Today's project and program managers have more responsibility and accountability than ever before. With loads of information available and plenty of talented people around to help, making informed decisions that will ensure success should be easy, right? Wrong.

Project control is a specialized focus of project management - it establishes a project and schedule criteria or goals; measures progress toward those goals; and determines real-time profitability. It's project management at its finest.

PSG's graded approach ensures that the level of project control is in line with the magnitude of the objectives, constraints, dollar value, complexity, risks and visibility. Too little and your project can have budget and schedule overruns. Too much and you're wasteful. But just the right amount will make your project a stunning success story.

PSG's project control professionals use integrated techniques for planning and controlling the life cycle of a project. We will help you not only meet the minimum goal of timely completion within budget, but will also give you what you need to maximize your savings and profitability.

Scope Development
Technical scope elements are outcome-oriented and must clearly identify the requirements of the project or task in order to define a measurable standard. PSG's scope development techniques will help you determine what approach and resources are necessary to achieve all of your project's objectives.

Cost Estimating
The goal of basic cost estimating is to produce a deliverable that can be used to compare bids, or to prepare or stay within a budget. But, when done as a part of an overall project control effort, the goal is to provide up-to-date actuals and accurate projections that give you a performance measurement tool like no other.

Whether it's from conceptual information or detailed final designs, PSG's careful and disciplined approach to estimating will help you make appropriate decisions throughout your project. Our staff are experts in the technology involved, know and understand the type of project and costs, have worked on scores of similar projects and are skilled in the appropriate methodologies. You can confidently rely on our staff and the validity of the information they provide.

Planning and Scheduling
Planning and scheduling techniques continue to change with every new version of software made available. But software advancements too frequently result in "information overload" - when the level of detail and quantity of information being generated surpasses your ability to absorb and effectively analyze the subsequent information.

PSG's experts have used virtually every scheduling processor available and know the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of each. They also possess solid technical understanding of your project. When these are combined, the benefit to you is accuracy, from the highest level of corporate planning down to daily facility work activity scheduling.

Risk Management
Risks are commonly identified by even the most inexperienced project managers working on the simplest of projects. But risk identification and risk management are two very different things.

Managing project risk is essential in preventing careless oversights and costly overruns. PSG can help you initially identify your project risks and mitigation, and can then help you determine:

whether they're accurate, exhaustive and reflected in the schedule/budget.
whether you're protected with appropriate contingencies.
when to implement mitigation plans in order to stay on track.
whether there are any dependencies which need to be accounted for.

Life Cycle Costing
Just like with a car, there is a threshold most products will eventually hit. Do you keep paying to repair the old one and deal with the consequences of occasional breakdowns, or do you take the big hit and get the new one that's still under warranty?

PSG's life cycle costing takes the guessing out. We will break down the cost according to how long it will last. You'll know when a replacement or upgrade will be necessary, and you can plan for it in advance. Knowing with reasonable certainty when the best time to replace or upgrade is – and proactively evaluating the alternatives – makes it easier for you from the beginning.

Earned Value Management
Exactly where are you against your plan? Exactly how much have you spent? Exactly what have you accomplished?

The earned value management technique is used to measure the physical accomplishment of work on a project. You can determine project status by analyzing cost, schedule and technical performance, as well as consider potential problems, their impact and alternative courses of action.

PSG's objective in performing earned value management is to encourage cost account managers to use effective internal cost and schedule management control systems, allowing you to rely on timely data produced by those systems for determining project status.

Performance Measurement
In order to effectively manage, make sound decisions and stay on schedule, you've got to know where you are and how any changes will impact you.

Performance measurement is an earned value management methodology integrating work schedules and cost accounts to create a controlled, time-phased budget called the performance measurement baseline (PMB). Our professionals can develop your PMB so that it validates the value of the planned work in the project schedule, and is part of the change control process.

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