can be grace under pressure.
The pressure is on for maintenance and operations managers. Pressure to
react. Pressure to perform. Pressure to save.
We'll help make sure you don't burst under the pressure.
Plant maintenance and operations managers are constantly asked
to find ways to reduce costs while still getting the job done.
PSG will help you use automated systems to their fullest capability,
carefully evaluate and implement cost savings opportunities and
keep your staff focused on their core competencies - all while
you keep up with the relentless demands of your daily job.
Together we can maximize the efficiency of your staff, reduce
the cost of operating your facility and extend the life of your
Preventive/Predictive Programs
You're too busy putting out fires to be able to prevent them.
PSG can help you plan, develop, implement and manage a customized
preventive/predictive maintenance program, allowing you to gradually
transition from fighting fires to preventing them from happening
in the first place.
With PSG, you'll get from failure correction to failure prevention.
It can save millions of dollars. It could even save lives.
Maintenance Cost Reduction Program
Using scatter charts to plot potential savings against risks,
we'll help you identify and prioritize your cost savings opportunities,
helping you grab all of the low hanging fruit quickly while carefully
evaluating and planning larger initiatives.
Materials Management
Electronic bills of materials (BOMs) support maintenance planning,
outage planning, procurement and engineering configuration control.
Cost benefit analysis of BOM programs demonstrates the near immediate
advantages for facilities with extensive capital equipment. Further,
the programs support objectives driven by regulatory requirements,
safety concerns, support of emergent work and plant engineering.
PSG's experts have implemented innovative solutions for supporting
plant material needs. Our services include:
• multi-level BOM project planning and implementation • cost-benefit analysis • production planning • metrics • funding presentations • procedure modifications • fixed price BOM production
- parts list
- stocking recommendations
- end use suitability
- equivalency evaluations
- alternate replacements engineering evaluations
- commercial grade dedications • performance monitoring • outage support
Maintenance Management Systems
The demands of operating a cost-effective maintenance organization
are growing every day. The challenges range from the implementation
of rules, regulations and guidelines to tightening of budgets
due to increased competition.
In order to meet these needs, maintenance managers must continue
to transition from reactive, failure correction posture to proactive,
failure prevention modes of operation. Maintenance policies,
processes and procedures must ensure both safety and reliability
while providing for a cost-effective maintenance program.
experts provide:
• Maintenance Work Process Assessments
Performing in-depth cost and technical analysis of the effectiveness
of your current processes, techniques and tools. • Scheduled Maintenance Program
Developing a comprehensive preventive and predictive maintenance
program or reviewing your existing program to optimize the tasks
being performed.
• Maintenance Procedures
Providing usable, readable and workable procedures and incorporating
the latest in procedure development techniques.
• Spare Parts Program
Assessing the maintenance program and work backlog to identify
improvements in spare parts inventories.
• Maintenance Management System
Providing systems to support the tracking, scheduling, performance
history and prioritization of maintenance activities.
• Staff Support
Providing specialized resources where and when you need them
the most.