you surviving or thriving?
Imagine where your company will be in 3, 5 or 10 years. If the thought
scares you, we can help.
If the thought excites you, we can help. If you don't have time to think
about it, we can help you, too.
Business process re-engineering is not downsizing, restructuring
or automating. It's not a superficial quick fix to get you through
a slump. It's about re-thinking the traditional. It's a customized
yet methodical approach to transforming your organization into
its ideal operating
state - maximum efficiency, maximum profitability,
minimal waste, best practices, continuous improvement, total
quality, minimized risk, preserved resources, streamlining. It
is possible.
You'll know you're ready for a BPR initiative when the desire
for superb results collides with a willingness and ability to
make strategic improvements. That's when it's time to take your
organization from good to great.
Of course, identifying and implementing those strategic improvements
costs time and money. It also shifts the focus and efforts of
the very people who are most critical to ongoing operations.
PSG can help. We can make your BPR initiative shorter, cheaper
and less painful to go through and keep your organization focused
on nailing the solutions instead of complaining about the problems.
Don't reinvent the wheel
Your objective in a BPR initiative is maximized efficiency of
your resources. So why pay for - and wait for - a consulting
company to redevelop what already exists? PSG takes a very streamlined
approach, which reduces the cost of your BPR initiative and the
time it takes to finish it and start seeing results.
PSG's professionals are already familiar with success stories
and best practices from both an industry and business standpoint.
Right away, we'll identify any "golden nuggets" or "low
hanging fruit" that will quickly address your current short
term dilemmas. We'll then distinguish between what can be benchmarked
and what must be customized for your organization.
We'll benchmark world-class processes – those that already
exist and are being successfully used by homogeneous and non-homogeneous
companies – to address your common issues whenever possible.
From there, we'll modify and adjust appropriate benchmarks to
meet your specific needs. Then, only after verifying that a benchmarking
approach is not suitable, will we customize creative solutions
to address your unique and mission-critical issues.
Working together
You have today's fires to handle. You have deadlines and objectives.
But you also have ideas for improvements, as do many others in
your organization.
We will facilitate employee involvement and capitalize on the
human ingenuity that already exists at all levels within your
organization. We will work in partnership with you to deliver
Risk vs. Reward
With change comes risk, and with risk comes fear. But trust conquers
fear, and PSG wants to earn your trust before, during and after
your BPR initiative.
Before engaging us, let us share with you some of our success
stories. During your initiative, let us show you proven models
of success and how to apply them within your organization. And
when you're enjoying the results of your endeavor, let us proactively
help you continuously improve your productivity and efficiency.
You want better…not just different
BPR is not simply performing a SWOT analysis or automating a
once-human process. PSG performs a methodical analysis of all
business processes, human or machine, and an in-depth analysis
of how each process is interdependent in your organization.
We identify what gaps are present, what gaps will be present
if changes are made to existing processes and how to eliminate
the gaps to ensure that your business runs efficiently.
Too many times BPR initiatives generate excellent recommendations,
but they fall short on the implementations. Our job is to deliver
bottom-line results, not to produce data.
So after internal analysis and external comparisons, we won't
just hand over a recommendations report. We'll see the initiative
Our promise
PSG will consistently: • Use a comprehensive, documented approach to solving business
problems and improving your bottom line.
• Utilize tools and guidelines adapted to your business environment.
• Execute a seamless integration that recognizes industry differences.
• Draw upon our extensive industry expertise coupled with our business
prowess to apply the appropriate solutions to a business problem.
• Create BPR initiatives that identify the processes, prioritize
them based on urgency and potential return and keep them flexible
so they will grow with you as your business and industry change.
From start to start again
Just like running around a track, your finish line also happens
to be the start line for what's next. The key to long-term success
with BPR is to continuously look for opportunities to optimize,
even after achieving your initial goals. Determine your next
set of desired outcomes, and let PSG help you actively pursue