does not mean
less effective.
In fact, we believe that the simpler something is, the better it is. It's
cheaper. It's faster. It's easier to monitor, follow and repeat. And when
the right time comes, it's easier to change.
We've all worked for an organization or department that seems
to be running around in circles to perform the most routine
tasks. Managers don't have what they need to make informed
decisions and employees quickly get frustrated by the inefficiency.
It takes its toll on the organization, and it takes its toll
on the workers at all levels. It ultimately takes its toll
on bottom-line results.
A small, understated organization can sometimes get away with
complicated and inefficient processes resulting in multiple
delays and inaccurate information. However, the more complex
your business, organization and industry are, the simpler your
processes need to be.
PSG helps large, complex organizations simplify their processes
in order to amplify their results.
Business planning
Most organizations establish annual and long-range goals and
objectives, but fail to establish the planning processes needed
for success. PSG can help you develop an appropriate business
planning process which integrates all elements necessary to
establish goals, monitor progress and apply timely corrective
PSG's approach to business planning:
identifies critical success factors required to align with
strategic goals. • identifies customer, competition and regulatory requirements
to clearly establish: - objectives - performance indicators - targets - specific activities • deploys objectives, indicators and targets throughout the organization. • ensures improvement activities are focused on problems critical
to success. • aligns resources with objectives and targets. • ensures follow-up, analysis and corrective action if objectives
are not met. • implements process management and continuous improvement into
everyday operations.
PSG can develop a customized comprehensive business planning
process for you, or can examine your existing process to identify
potential improvements and enhancements.
Budgeting and financial management
Most organizations have well-established budgeting and accounting
processes which were initially designed to satisfy financial
reporting requirements. Such processes frequently fail to provide
management with the performance and cost information they need
to manage or improve day-to-day operations.
PSG's experts focus on developing financial processes with
easy-to-understand information about how and where money is
being spent, and whether it's being spent appropriately or
being wasted. Such realistic information aides management in
developing and carrying out an action plan.
PSG provides:
budget and accounting process development and assessment •
work breakdown structure/cost account development •
project/O&M budget baseline development •
project accounting and budgeting support •
cost analysis •
EVMS development
Procedure improvements
Increased competition demands optimum performance to ensure
success. A vital link to optimum performance is technically
sound procedures.
For example, in the power industry, there is an increasing
emphasis on compliance that has forced many plants to thoroughly
review their design and licensing basis documents. In addition,
several plants have converted their original technical specifications
to the improved standard technical specifications.
PSG can perform an evaluation of your plant's
procedures to identify risks and areas where enhancements can
most improve performance, or perform a complete procedure upgrade
to the latest standards. We possess a unique combination of
insight into design and regulatory compliance, with a broad
background in operations and maintenance. We recognize the
important issues that face the industry today and respond with
innovative and proven solutions.
PSG provides all of the skills you'll need to implement a procedure
upgrade effort. We can provide knowledgeable and experienced
staff to perform the required reviews and prepare the procedures,
or simply provide project management professionals who will
work with your existing plant staff to develop high-quality
procedures. Or, of course, we can provide both the technical
and administrative staff so your team can remain focused on
their day-to-day responsibilities.
Procedure services
To support safe and efficient O&M practices, PSG offers
comprehensive procedure services including system operations,
maintenance, administrative, technical, preventive and predictive
maintenance and more. These services result in continuous improvements
in overall facility operations and O&M cost efficiencies.